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July 12 & 13 2008
Saskatchewan's Free Fishing Weekend
For more information and fishing regulations visit:


Press Release July 7, 2008

Fire Ban has been lifted in all areas as posted on July 3, 2008.

Thank You for your co-operation!

Have a Great Summer.


Press Release July 3, 2008

Under the direction of the Fire Chief or local authority designate, effective immediately , and until further notice, there will be NO open fires allowed within the boundaries of the following areas:

Town of La Ronge
Village of Air Ronge
Stanley Mission
Grandmother's Bay
Hall Lake
Sucker River
La Ronge Reserves 156A & 156B
Potato Lake
Nemeiben Lake
English Bay
Eagle Point
Waden Bay

Thank you for your co-operation.
Town of La Ronge
Northern Village of Air Ronge
Lac La Ronge Indian Band

Canada Day Celebrations July 2008

Canada Day arrived with cloudy skies and smoke in the air from forest fires. These conditions did not deter the hearty 'Northerner' crowds from attending the Annual Canada Day Parade. Participants included the children's bike parade escorted by the Lac La Ronge Region Fire Department; various organizations/agency/business floats and stilt walkers and unicycle performers who have been taking training through a local community school project.

Tourism Trivia Contest Winners

Northern Saskatchewan Tourism (NST) and Woodlands & Waterways (WWRDC) Visitor Centre would like to congratulate the Staff of Pahkisimon Nuye-ah Library System(PNLS)on their recent win of the Tourism Trivia Contest celebrating Tourism Awareness Week in Saskatchewan. This photo shows the staff with their prize - 'a basket of goodies' donated by local businesses and agencies. NST & WWRDC send a big thank you to those business who supported our organizations with a donation for the contest.

Fire Hazard at Extreme - La Ronge in Smoke

And the Winner is .......

The Visitor Information Centre captures the prize with 907 individual signatures in their guest book for the last 12 months. Many thanks to the staff of La Ronge Branch Conexus Credit Union staff for ensuring fair rules of play and counting all those signatures right down to the last Penny, George or Fred.
We would also like to thank Our Place Bulk Foods for accepting the challenge and so graciously accepting defeat with the words "just wait until next year!"

Photo L to R: Lynn Brechbuehl & Donita Lohnes-Anderson of Our Place Bulk Foods and Yvonne Meekel, Manager of Woodlands and Waterways. I'll have a latte please!

Saskatchewan Tourism Awareness Week Challenge


Whereas Our Place Bulk Foods has claimed they have more signatures in their guest book than the Visitor Information Centre;

Therefore; The Visitor Information Centre hereby challenge Our Place Bulk Foods to a friendly competition in celebration of Tourism Awareness Week;

You are requested to present your guest book before an impartial judge at Conexus Credit Union to determine who has more signatures for the year - June 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008; and further

The loser(s) shall treat the winner(s) to a cup of coffee and confection at a fine local establishment of the winner's choice.

Signed this Day of May 31, 2008 - Woodlands & Waterways Visitor Information Centre

Warm evening on the lake

It was one of those late spring evenings when everyone was outside enjoying the warm breezes and long hours of daylight. Neighbours chatting about their gardens, children racing each other on bicyles, dogs leading their masters in search of the item responsible for that intriguing scent. The air was filled with the fragrance of Pin Cherry trees in full bloom. Taking advantage of those fine breezes were two sailboats exploring the waters along the lakeshore from the Montreal River Bay, past Police Point and along Nut Point Peninsula.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 27

View of ice behind the islands across from Town of La Ronge. The ice has melted between the small islands just off shore but the lake is still ice bound. Pilots report there are a few broken spots in the lake but there is no access to Hunter Bay by boat. If you plan on fishing at Hunter Bay or Pickerel Bay - both are open but you will have to fly.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 22

We have a bit of entertainment on our photos today - just where are those float planes going you ask? They are doing 'touch and goes' which is a technical aviation term for practicing landing and take off skills. See that very large natural 'air conditioner' in the background? When the wind blows from the North East downtown LA is very cool!

Looks like the ice will be around for some time yet - probably this weekend. Will it be gone by next weekend? If we get a strong wind it may be broken up but we will still have chunks of ice which will make boating interesting to say the least. Taken from La Ronge Avenue in front of the post office looking across the beach.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 20

That is some chunk of ice - after a weekend of hot weather and rain showers the ice on Lac La Ronge is still there! These photos were taken from Patterson Park along the shore in front of the post office.

The second set of photos were taken from behind the Waterbase Inn looking towards the North East. If you click on the photo to enlarge it you will see the ice between the islands in the distance.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 16

Did I say pray for wind and rain? Last night we had thunder showers and the wind is presently gusting up to 37 km an hour - there are white caps in the bay! These photos are looking towards the north from Fietz Park. Look closely in the background - you can see the ice between the islands across from Police Point. Click on photo to enlarge.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 13

'Ice Breaking News' ~ float planes are landing in the bay on Lac La Ronge. Amazing what a little sunshine and rain can accomplish! These photos are of aircraft (DeHavilland Beaver) landing on Lac La Ronge the afternoon of May 13th. The top photo looks north from Fietz Park as the Beaver taxis to the dock at the Water Base Inn/TransWest Air. Compare it to the photo on the previous post where there is ice as you look north along the same shoreline. The second photo is towards the south and shows touchdown in the Bay where the Montreal River enters the lake. We have had a few showers today and the forecast is for showers/thunder showers this evening.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 11

This first photo was taken from Fietz Park where the Montreal River enters the Bay on Lac La Ronge; the second photo was taken at the beach across from the Post Office. Temperatures have been warm this past weekend reaching normal averages of 12-14 degrees. Will the lake be open for fishing season this Saturday? Pray for wind and rain. (Photos have been published in large format - click on photo to view)

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 8

A few days ago we posted photos of the ice on the bay of Lac La Ronge. These photos, taken four days later show the progression of the melt. On the far right of the photo where the Montreal River river enters the bay of Lac La Ronge the ice is starting to melt. We will continue to up date the blog every few days with photos of the lake until break-up occurs.

Ice on Lac La Ronge May 4

Where oh where is spring? We have had a very long and cold winter this year and with temperatures still falling below zero overnight it seems that 'Old Man Winter' refuses to release his grip on the Lac La Ronge Area. These photos are of the bay in La Ronge taken from the post office hill. On that day there were DeHavilland Otter aircraft still taking off and landing on the ice. The great debate on Coffee Row is "will the ice be off in time for fishing season?" We may be ice fishing when the season opens on May 17th.

Snowmobile Paradise

Winter Wonderland

Northern Saskatchewan is truly a land of living skies